Posts tagged ‘Deschutes Brewery’


Deschutes River Recordings: Eric Earley

Just got word of these recordings from a friend of mine. Pretty cool. Songs by the river, for the river.


” The river called. The indie community answered.

Deschutes River Recordings is a unique collaboration between artist and cause. Deschutes Brewery put out the call for independent artists to sing river-themed songs, from the banks of the river, to benefit the vital work of the Deschutes River Conservancy. They’re musicians as committed to the cause as they are the craft. And fearless enough to tackle whatever covers Deschutes Brewery fans tossed their way. Welcome to the riverside high wire: live, unadorned, far from a studio safety net.

Download for free or donate what you can. All proceeds benefit the Deschutes River Conservancy.”


Thanks to my good friend Phil D. for bringing these recordings to my attention.